domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014


For the past weeks we´ve had heavy rains, hurricane force winds and the worst, tidal waves, violently breaking on the shore. Our sea, the Cantabric, has gone wild, it´s crazy and it´s breathtaking.

And when the weather is like this I have one thing clear. I need a cream soup, I go crazy about that, like my sea.  I´m a soup person and there´s nothing I can do.

I´ve made this recipe in two days, not because it has a lot of work to do, but I had some time and I made it easy.

2 celery stalks
2 carrots
2 leeks
Some grated nutmeg
2kg of fresh mussels
1tbsp of butter
2tbsp flour
100ml evaporated milk
Chopped parsley to garnish

As I said before, the previous day I put a big saucepan with 1litre and a half of water, and I put the celery, carrots, leeks, salt and pepper inside,  and bring them to the boil for 20 minutes. 

While the veggies are cooking, I cleaned the mussels. I added them later to the veggies to cook them and make a fumé. When the mussels start to open, remove them and set aside. I drained the stock (fumé), and reserved it too. I´ll use the veggies too.

The following day (if you´re doing like me, some steps the day before),  put the butter in a saucepan over a low heat and when it melts, add the flour , stir continuously to prevent it from burning. Start adding the stock we made with the veggies and the mussels, little by little until the velouté is made, set aside.

Add the nutmeg and the evaporated milk.

Chop the veggies we used to make the stock and heat them a bit. Add half of the mussels we had reserved.

And process it.

Combine this with the velouté, chop the rest of the mussels, heat it and that´s it.

With this weather this is my favourite comfort food. I can´t stop eating cream soups.


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